Monday, January 23, 2012

What is Forskolin is it an herb My allopath who is into alternative health recommended it for glaucoma/vision?

and I am not sure what it is..can you get it at health food stores or is it a prescription or something


also if you know anything that might help early stage glaucoma, possible retinopathy or worsening visual acuity naturally, please let me know

My mother went nearly blind the last year of her life from glaucoma and I want to try to reverse or stop the worsening.

thanks but what is ForskolinWhat is Forskolin is it an herb My allopath who is into alternative health recommended it for glaucoma/vision?
The herb Coleus Forskohlii (sold as Coleus Forte in Health stores) is supposed to be good for the prevention and treatment of glaucoma as it reduces the pressure in your eyes. You have to ask for it in Health Stores as it is kept behind the counter and although you can buy it without a prescription it is deemed to be prescription medication so they are not permitted to have it on the self service shelves.

The herb Forskolin is actually the same as Coleus Forskohlii (Coleus Forte).

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