Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Anyone else have a 3 yr old that just won't mind?

I tell her not to touch something, that's the first thing she does. I tell her stay with me in a store, she goes running off. No matter what I ask her to do, it's like she does the exact opposite. Even small things like putting her coat on or getting in the bathtub. I feel like I have to threaten her with timeout to get her to do anything. Wow, I hope this is just a stage.|||yep yep yep - I've got that going on at my house, with my 3 year old son

age 3 is so ornery. they're testing the limits, and some do a better job of testing than others!!!

Threats don't work with my son. But he's a sucker for rewards. I also have to catch him doing anything well and praise him.

ohhhhh, some days he makes my brain sweat. hopefully it's just a stage!!|||try rewarding her when she listens take her out for a treat or if that doesn't work try the opposite instead of telling her "don't touch that" or "you have to" tell her the opposite like that she doesn't have to put her coat on , then she most likely will, that's how i get my niece and nephew to listen because they want to do something if you tell them they can't. Challenge her by being persistent, if she says "ok" to not wearing a coat tell her no that she CANT wear it the more you tell her the more she will want to because you said no.

Good luck hope this helped :)|||It is normal for small children to do like this to try and test boundaries and see what they can get away with. At this age she is testing you...

I wish I could tell you what exactly to do , but all of my kids were completely different with what works and what doesn't .

Try being a little more firm as soon as she acts out or does the opposite of what you say don't just say stop or I'll put you time out ...just automatically put her in time out/ eventually she should associate not doing as shes told with being punished...

My 6 yr old however responds to being put in the bed or a corner where he can't be in on everything it drives him nuts.|||well you out of that whole paragraph you just wrote- the most important thing you said was "I feel like I have to threaten her" %26lt;---- that's your problem! Never threaten a child- if you are going to say "Your going into a timeout" then put the child in the time out. You may begin to feel like the child is in time out all day but that will not last. eventually once you gain the upper hand again then your child will know that when you say something you mean it. the kid will then listen to you in fear of receiving a time out. Kids can be conniving and use their cuteness to get them out of trouble but do NOT fall for it! Your child need a tough love mini boot camp! And your the drill Sargent! This doesn't mean you don't love your child but having control over your child (but giving choices for independence of course) will make your life easier and be safer for your child- What will happen if your child runs off the wrong way in the store one day and you dont see her/him again! Gain control !

And by the way- I do not believe this is a stage- children should never go as far as to run off in the store. Children need discipline. Many parents are softies and pushovers especially for first born children! There is a stage of when the child test the waters with parents but it should not be out of control!|||It could be just a stage, my four year old does everything that I ask him not to and more. Time out doesn't work, spanking doesn't work, it seems like nothing works. However, yours sounds more like a stage, my son has ADHD and is on medication for it so it makes things a little different.|||Part of it is a stage, did you do this when you were young or is it the dad?

Maybe you should try telling her to run off and touch everything!|||It is a stage. My daughter did that too. But keep enforcing the rules. Or she will think she getting her way. But cheer up. Next comes the whys. Why this why that or anything why.|||"What is wrong with threats and punishment...?"|||its a stage|||I hear age 4 is much better than age 3. My son will be 4 next month and I am keeping my fingers crossed! LOL|||Have you tried smacking her on the bottom?

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