Sunday, February 12, 2012

Will the stage of allergic reactions to this end when it heals?

I have pierced my ears 3 times. 4 if you count yesterday. the first 3 times i used real gold. yellow gold. the always ended up infected or like the first time, the lady at claire's put it in to where you could see the rod of the stud in front. ewwy. so this time, i just went to sally's beaty store %26amp; bought the piercing cartridge myself, trying to show my 4 yr old neice it's okay %26amp; doesn't hurt [[ didn't work ]] she has one ear pierced, on the right ear, rainbow colored...not cool yo. so anyways. i buy stainless steel. %26amp; it's been 2 days now %26amp; they are doing great. i've only cleaned them 3 times %26amp; normally by now they are horrid nasty. %26amp; hurting %26amp; yeah...but what i'm asking is:

when this heals [[ second week of april ]]

will i be able to wear gold, white gold, sterling silver,


because it's hard to find really really pretty stainless steel. = /

%26amp;%26amp; i like real diamonds, not CZ. %26amp; it's hard to find real diamonds in stainless steel. %26amp; then be able to actually buy it. so yeah...

will it heal? hopefully?|||I am by no means an expert, but I too have had problems with allergic reactions to certain metals. I had my naval pierced while in college and was told that the reason stainless steel is used is because it is sturdy, easy to clean and generally people do not have bad reactions to it. Likewise, to clean the area, one should never use peroxide as it generally erodes most metals creating small pockets in the metal in which bacteria can sit and cause infection. Therefore, it is always recommended that you use a special cleaner provided by the piercer, Bactin or some other antiseptic wash along with an antibacterial ointment to prevent infection.

My allergic reactions to metals tend to come in the form of miscoloring of my skin or itching, if you continue to have reactions and want nice earrings to wear, there is a company "Simply Whispers" who sells hypoallergenic jewelry. I believe they have a website and a catalogue and the jewelry is quality.|||Your reaction to the metals tends to be relatively normal. Your body sees them as an intruder and tries to fight them off. That being said there may be a period where you just won't be able to wear them (the golds, etc).

However if you find that the pain and irritation stays even after thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the jewlery there is a good chance you may have allergic reactions to the metals themselfs. At which point i would contact your doctor to have some allergy tests done. A little heads up you can overdo it and also push your body with too many and too much metals too fast which can cause heavy reactions.

Now your 4 year old niece can actually have bad reactions to piercings, a young child usually does not have the strength yet to fight of reactions like the ones your explaining and it can become downright painful for her. I'd recommend taking hers out until she is a little older. My sisters had this and they ended up with heavily inflamed ears and needed a strong selection of antibiotics to become healthy (they became quite sick because of it even though the piercings were done professionally and in proper environments).

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