Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Are we at the tear America apart Inside Out Marxist Stage - their Perfect Storm?

The far left modo - Top Down, Bottom Up, Inside out - is in the works. Would you say their destruction plan for their Perfect Storm is just were they want it- the Inside out part? I think it is! Food Shortages, massive job loses, housing Crisis, Energy Crisis, Middle Eastern Crisis, Banking Co. Going down, Massive Govt Debt. Massive Corruption.

I can't believe they are doing it, they are turning the world upside down!

Stock up on Food guys! Its coming! Our grocery store is already low on food and had 3 empty fruit shelves- and that was KROGER.|||What the Hell kind of name is that?!! What an awful person you must be! There were times I hated George Bush, but I NEVER WISHED HIM DEAD! My God!|||It seems to me that those who want fundamental change are the same that contributed nothing for America.

Joseph Stalin said; "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything"

The left is so engulfed with Marxist and Socialists that destruction of our American values and rich heritage must happen to obtain their goal.|||Kroger blows. That's your problem.

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