I'm due in two months and wanted to get the Safety 1st Alpha Omega Elite Convertible Car Seat - Triton. I want this car seat because it goes through all stages of the baby infant, the next stage, then booster seat. I have a two door chevy cobalt and was wondering if it would fit in my car? I cant go look at it because they don't sell it in stores. Or should I just buy a separate seat for each stage of the baby?|||Skip the alpha omega- it has a horrible rating for use in booster mode. (As is the case with nearly every 3in1 seat)
You can use a convertible from birth- britax convertibles almost never fit newborns, so you should skip those. The Combi Coccoro takes up very little room front to back and will likely fit in a 2door Cobalt. It rear faces to 33 pounds then forward faces to 40 pounds. After it is outgrown forward facing you can get a forward facing seat like the evenflo maestro ($80) which harnesses to 50 pounds then converts to a high back booster. Once your child is ready for a backless booster (7 or 8 years old) you can buy one for $15 or less.
The only 3-in-1 that fits newborns well, has a good forward facing harness limit, and functions well as a booster is the Graco Smartseat which is $300 but is most likely too big to fit your car.
If you're looking for a cheap convertible to use before buying a forward facing seat the Cosco Scenera rear faces to 40 pounds (newer models only) and you can find it between $35 and $50 which is cheaper than an infant carrier alone!|||Good for you to not want to waste $$$ on buying numerous seats. We couldn't figure out how to set up the Alpha Omega. We got ours from Toys R Us. We wound up instead with the Evenflo Triumph 65, RF to 40 pounds and FF to 65 pounds and VERY easy to use. We never bothered with infant seats, most moms I know struggle to carry them after 5 months. What a waste of money. We carry in a sling, and found we can plop them in a sling to go in the store, and LO still stays asleep. I found this interesting thread on seats for your car: http://windsorpeak.com/vbulletin/showthr鈥?/a> carseat.org is a great site.
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