Yes - better quality bread had fewer ingredients and additives so they do go bad faster. Cheaper bread has lots of things added to it to prevent spoilage so that they can keep it on the shelf longer.
Some white breads will never spoil - they will dry up before mold will grow on it. Put a few slices out of good bread and cheap bread and see for yourself!|||I wouldn't eat it. Some people are allergic to mold may have mild to severe health problems. If it is moldy, spoiled or otherwise adulterated then just throw it out!|||Thats cause there are more persrvatives in store bought bread to last longer... I would of tossed it; yeast.. try to make your own with flour, salt.|||theres this one guy who ate slightly moldy bread an now has half a face , look it upon you tube he;ll be there|||no, its no more good to eat.
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