Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is it safe or ok to feed raw beef liver to my rottweilers?

I'm accustomed to giving them raw "chicken" liver together with their Canidae All Life Stages kibble every so often (not too regularly) but I've never fed them raw beef liver before.

When I went to the store they ran out of the chicken liver so I bought the beef liver it ok for them to eat?|||Remember also what the liver is. It is the detoxifier of the body. Any toxins the cow has been exposed to will be concentrated in the liver. When we want to know the toxins present in just about any animal we test the liver. Grass fed cattle that do not live near crops in which intensive insecticides are used should be safe.|||When dogs are in the wild, all they eat is raw meat. They dont get sick from it.

When dogs are in the wild, they eat any animal they can find! They still dont get sick.

Feeding your dog beef liver is the exact same as them hunting for their food. Its actually healthier than kibble and 'dog food' because all these foods are processed.

Its perfectly fine to feed your dog that :)|||Yes! It is best to feed liver seperate from kibble, and if he has never had raw beef before he may get an upset stomach or diarrhea. But it isn't harmful :)

Don't feed more than 5% of the diet as liver though! Too much vitamin A can be bad :)|||Yes, it's ok to give it to them...although if you feel safer, cook it for them. But, animals can have raw meat and not get sick from it, their bodies work differently than humans.|||yes, i supplement my dog's kibble with raw chicken necks all the time. he's even tried raw liver which is a great source of protein. it's perfectly safe so no worries.|||if you normally feed raw i would guess so.

i cook anything i give mine.|||Yes! Liver is great for dogs. Just don't overdo it...once-twice a week should be enough!

"Liver: Newborn puppies, dying from the "failing puppy syndrome", have a tablespoonful of chopped liver added to their mother's diet. Overnight, the pups snap out of it and start gaining again. Orphan puppies, stunted because their formula is inadequate lacking from the right dog nutrition, have a little liver puree added to that formula and those same puppies suddenly begin to grow and gain weight. Liver is one of natures pick me ups.

A young adult male, starting his second year at stud is listless, uninterested, and underweight. A daily teaspoon of raw liver returns the stud to his original lustre and aggressiveness. A dog struck by an automobile fails to respond even though surgery has successfully corrected its injuries. About a week after the operation a tablespoonful of liver is prescribed three times weekly. By the end of the third week all of the dog's lost weight has been regained and healing of the external wounds appears complete, again natures way of supplying dog nutrition.

All of the dogs described above had one thing in common; liver was added to their diet. Perhaps liver should be called a "miracle" food rattler than a mystery food. But whatever you call it, the recoveries described were the results of liver, and whatever it is that enables liver to produce such 'miracles' remains a mystery.

For years veterinary nutritionists have referred to the 'unidentified liver fractions' and their seemingly miraculous effects. Whatever it is in liver, known or unknown, few canine nutritionists deny that liver does something special when it comes to dog food. If there is one single food that every dog should have in its diet, that food would have to be liver."
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