Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ok weird question but here goes - Would it be over the top for me to wear clothes they wear on soaps like AMC?

I sometimes like the clothes some of the actresses on All My Children are wearing and wanna get stuff similar to that. Would I look over-the-top if I wore something like what they wear? I live in a really small town in Kansas and I'm 29 years old. The only clothing stores we have here are JCPenney, Stage and Dunlaps. That's it. I don't count Wal-Mart cuz I've never bought clothes from there and probably never will. I don't know how to mix and match stuff so I try to get inspiration on what goes together by looking thru fashion magazines (mainly Allure) or by stuff I see on tv, but Kansas is totally different from say what you see people wear in New York and LA California and I don't wanna stick out. I just wanna look 'put together'. I'm a new mommy so I want things that I can wear to go grocery shopping etc. Nothing glam or anything. Just casual and put together. For you AMC fans, you probably know that Kendall just had a baby on there so I really pay attention to her style.|||i like kendall's style too. i don't think it would be too much for you to wear what she wears. basically, if it makes you feel hot, sexy, or comfortable, then wear it!|||No, that just shows that you really like their style.

And if their wearing it then it's meant to be worn by other people. Just dont over do it unless you wanna be a actresses look-a-like.|||Fashion is what you make of it. As long as you think you look great in it thats all that matters, be sure to be proud and confident on what you wear otherwise dont try it. This is how fads start. its not what you wear, its how you wear it.|||That's funny, I once heard a woman at an AA meeting talk about how she tried to "live" as a daytime actress by looking, talking and drinking like they do all day. She said it didn't last long.

I'd say it's ok to model your look after someone you watch alot, there's nothing really wrong with trying to improve your image. I wear a lot of Old Navy outfits because I like their product line and I feel good in the clothes.||| have to wear anything you like without worrying what other people are going to say.|||It's never over the top to want to look good. Why would you want to look like everyone else around you...whether you are in a small town or not? I haven't watched AMC since college, but I know the kind of stuff they wear on soaps.

I live and work in a major metro area now and worked in NYC prior to 911. First, please don't believe the hype. Everyone in NYC (and other metro areas) are not dressing like people on the soap operas. PLENTY shop in WalMart.

My personal advice is to get some classic staples like good black slacks, jeans, capris, plus a few casual and sporty blazers/jackets. Team those with a few simple shirts, sandals and closed shoes.

After you have that, then add the funky stuff. It's more pratical to have a classic wardrobe that you can "funk" up or down then all trendy stuff. Trust me. I can wear black slacks, an oxford shirt and pumps to work. If I go out after work, the oxford comes off, I have a tank underneath and open kitten sandals in my bag. Instant nite outfit.

I'm a mom too, but I still like looking nice! Glad you do too.

Check out some internet sites and you can order online. You might like for some trendy (yet inexpensive tops or outfits). Also, has FABULOUS shoes at discount prices. check it out!

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