Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stage 1 baby food...with meat?

I was at the grocery store today getting more baby food and I saw that Beech Nut brand has stage 1 meats? I thought you couldnt give meats until later on? My son is almost 6 months. The baby food was labeled "chicken with chicken broth" or "turkey with turkey broth". Is this ok to give?|||I would wait until he has had all the veggies and fruits first. It takes several weeks to go through all those, so by the time you're done he'll be 7 or 8 months, and that's a more appropriate age for the meats.|||yes, these are fine... in the feeding information booklet that my public health nurse gave me, it says you can give babies strained meats in broth from about 6 months, it's safe.|||i'd rather give my son pieces of real chicken very small- they taste andd smell much better andd are healthier- your baby wont choke and might actuallly preffer it as well- my 11 month old has only one tooth andd has been on REAL food for months|||at almost 6 months, goodness gracious yes he is deff. old enough! my son was eating baby food at 3 months and he is 9 months now and eats table foods. regular baby food doesn't fill him up! I've given my son meats for a long time now and he is just fine!|||My son is 8 months and he has been eating baby food stage two since he was 6 1/2 months. He doesn't like the plain meats, he likes the ones mixed with sweet potatoes, or apples.|||I was told by my pediatrican not to give meats until 9 months of age because it is too hard on their little tummies|||I would and personaly i do wait utill just before 12 months to give meat there is no hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a 6 months that is way to young to meat. He should just be starting vegs and fruit. Any mixed foods should not be added untill he has been on solids for a few months.|||absolutely! It isnt that you cant give it to your child it is that most often they just dont develope the tast for the meats untill they have teeth. Try it her or she might still like it.

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