And I'm speaking about ALL races of Americans. The ones that you observe in the stores with their shopping carts filled to the ceiling, and backs the lines all the way back to the bathrooms. On the world news tonight, 'analysts' were predicting a huge increase in food prices in about "8 months" one of them said. They're blaming it all on "the weather" of course, (the snowstorms and colder weather) lack of crops, those in Asian countries "eating more and importing more food" (must be the wealthier "Asians", sure can't be the poor Asians) etc . And most Americans don't grow or can food anymore like our grand parents did. That's too "time consuming" for many of them. So what will they do? What will you do? Just continue to pay the outrageous higher prices? Or cut back on some things, like one less bag of Oreos? Which should be close to $5 a bag by then.|||Thank goodness we don't eat Oreos. It is just the two of us and we only cook every once in a while. I don't know, but we could stand to cut back on some things.|||Some people who stock their carts to the ceiling are doing so because they live far from town, are saving gas, are using coupons or they have many mouths to feed.
I am not one of these. I go to the store every other day for one or two items. I never use coupons. I always go hungry, so I buy junk food. But you would see very little in my cart and I'm slim, so you wouldn't notice. lol
I will garden.|||I will eat less and buy less.|||Well, it's bad news for the countries with low incomes as they'll be faced with starvation, but good news for the west as it may help curb obesity.|||healthy food will go up more then junk food prices so people will eat more junk and become fatter and less healthy.
p411car stereo
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