Sunday, February 5, 2012

Are the band tees displayed on Hot Topic's website sold in stores as well?

Sex Pistols: Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols鈥?/a>

Nirvana: Nirvana Stage photo鈥?/a>

The Velvet underground: The Velvet Underground Photo Slim-Fit T-Shirt:鈥?/a>

and, The Clash: The Clash 1982 T-shirt:鈥?/a>|||They should be in stores unless it specifies that the shirt is offered only online.|||yes i'm pretty sure they are, and they should actually have more stuff in the store.|||depends where you live. some might have theose shirts some mite not.

but thing to do is check your local hot topic.

answear mine?鈥?/a>|||most of them

sometimes you might have to go to one or more hottopics though|||They should be. If not then just order them online, they're either the same price or cheaper.|||yeah, but sometimes it depends on the size of the store o__o

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