Thursday, February 2, 2012

How can I get a toddler to listen?

My son is 3 years old. He is very hyper and does not listen. He runs around the store, yells at me,and throw things at me.

I have tried time out, corner, and a spank once. Nothing seems to work. I am getting to the point where I don't want to take him anywhere. I know this is not a normal toddler stage. I have two other sons that never acted this way. If I get on to him he will laugh and run around. He has no fear of anything. Someone please help.|||this actually is a VERY normal stage - it just depends on your childs personality. Just pick him up and leave next time - i realize this might mess up your schedule but stick to your word and tell him - if he doesnt stop you are leaving...even if its playdate. It will take a few times, but he will start to calm down - though probably not completely because he sounds like a kid with a lot of energy!|||I call this an extreme child. With most children throwing the ball across the lawn is good but an extreme child needs to throw it to the moon. What worked for me as a parent is to go to the park a lot! He needs to release energy. As he gets older Football, Lacross, soccer high energy sports. 3 yr olds have a short memory spand. Always take him by the hand make eye contact and tell him no. If he is running from u or playing he is not listening. Go half and half work on his energy and then work on his discplne.|||You should try offering positive reinforcement for behavior you do like. Try stickers, and sugar free lollipops. Also you should definitely remove him from a store if he is out of control, take him to the car and explain why he is having a time out. Wait 5 minutes until he is calmer and then continue with your shopping. Don't allow him to throw things. If he throws a toy immediately take it away and put it up just out of reach announcing that since he threw it he "doesn't want it" and don't give it back to him for a whole day. He will quickly see that throwing things will just result in frustration and that it is not away to express anger. Distract when he is yelling by only speaking in a whisper. That way he'll be forced to quiet down in order to hear what you are saying. If you start yelling too, it only reinforces that behavior. You can also put him in a chair, for time out by sitting beside him for 3 minutes in order to quiet him down and correct him. I wouldn't spank, it only teaches violence as a way of life. I would just be firm but consistent and don't let him get away with this disruptive behavior. If it comes down to it, you may have to start taking things away that he enjoys playing with if he is becoming violent and throwing them at you. I would just keep up the great parenting and remember he is just 3. Above all have patience and try to remember that it is difficult for a little one to know what is appropriate behavior.|||Be consisted!! Say what you mean and mean what you say. set the limits let him know your expectations and let him know the consequences for not behaving. If you take him to the store before entering tell him he has to walk and stay by you if he doesn't he will go in the cart and if his behavior gets out of control you need to prepare to leave even if that's taking the cart to the service center and walking out with your goods.

It can be helpful to have him feel like he is a big helper. have him look for certain items, put items in the cart, Make a game by looking for colors, letters and words he knows in the stores. Catch him when he is making good choices and make comments like --good choice, you must feel proud for ... putting your toys away, eating a healthy lunch. I hope this is helpful.|||Try timeout in a place he cannot escape from such as a playpen or etc. make sure there is nothing around to entertain him and no one else around for him to try to get attention from. this might be more effective then the normal corner time out. If he acts up in public don't allow him to go with you next time you go somewhere(assuming you have someone who can watch him) and make sure he knows its because he acted badly in public the time before. if you leave him somewhere fun it will backfire so make sure the person you leave him with knows he's being punished.(note- if to much time has gone by since the incident it should probably not be enforced because he wont know why hes being punished so make sure it hasn't been so long he doesn't remember the reason your punishing him.)|||so, don't take him anywhere. and when he asks to go somewhere tell him no, he can't behave. when you think he's had enough time to think about it, take him somewhere the first sign he's acting up, take him home immediately. repeat this just let him know you mean business. kids usually do whatever they can get away with and nothing more than that. just up the bar for expectations, kids usually do what is expected of them also.
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