Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is it possible to sail to foreign ports and store your vessel there for weeks or months?

without it getting stolen or having to pay fees?

i don't plan on doing so but i'm starting to write a novel and i'm in the researching stage. if this question is ridiculous please kindly say so and explain, in kind words please, why.

Thank you.|||Unless U stay with it or pay to have some 1 watch it chances it will be a memory. Nothing is free and have sailed to many country's.

1 Never anchor alone always in groups.

2 Anchor far enough out so they can't swim out.

3 Never leave boat or dingy alone chain to dock as what little U have and own is more than they would ever have and see all cruiser as all with $.

Some Anchorages are great and no problems but all it take is 1 time and U will feel it for life.

4 Safety First.|||your answer is 2 fold....yes you can store itbut you will have to pay something. The more you pay the better the security whether a yacht club or boat storage yard. Pay nothing is like having your car left on a street for to long.. it will one morning ,,be gone.. you could also contact by e mail the port authority where you plan to leave the boat,,they will be a very good sourse of information...good luck with your book.|||Unless you know someone in every port who will dock your boat for free . It's not realistic.

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