Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pinnacle Studio 11-What's the major difference between the this version and plus/ultimate?

I was told that the standard would have everything I wanted at Best Buy to create a great slide show. However, I understood and was told the regular version allowed you to animate pcitures and objects in pictures, but this is not the case. I have heard some great things about the Sony Video editing product, but am not familiar with it.

It is going to cost more to upgrade now then if I just would have bought it at the store in the first place (given I was sold the correct version). If you can think of a better program that is good for a beginner, but can get very advanced in later stages please let me know. I am deciding if I should just give up on Pinnacle and start new or try to upgrade.

Looking for some advise. I know what you can find on the website, but need it broken down by someone with editing experience in general easy to understand terms.

Thank You!|||The only difference is that it contains a DVD with extra things like slide transitions, samples, and filters.

I have Pinnacle Studio 11 Plus and its okay, I really didn't need the extra stuff that was included on the DVD, I was perfectly fine, I just needed the software to record videos and other things. It's great, if you're thinking of going into video editing, and want something easy to use this would be the best program.
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